# Other Agoras - This is just an [[agora]]; there are many like it, and there could be many more. - #push [[agorai]] - #push [[agor.ai]] - #go https://agora.ai - and many others, depending on how you think about it: - [[everything2]], which I loved around [[y2k]] - [[wikipedia]], which we probably all love - [[ctzn]], found by [[sull]] - [[yubnub]], found by [[sull]] - [[open syllabus]], found by [[karlicoss]] - [[satellite earth]], found by [[karlicoss]] - … - #push [[agora like]] - [[3np]] in [[hn]] pointed out other projects also named [[agora]]: - [[agora vote]] https://www.agora.vote/ - https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/865.pdf - https://www.idni.org/agoras/ - [[roaman agora]] - https://twitter.com/RoamFm/status/1363197417785499648